I move to Cincinnati and everyone back home thinks it is a fascinating city in the US. Having been only to venues like Orlando, LA, Chicago or NY they can hardly picture the easy life of the midwest. I let them know that, although not a small city, there is not much going on here other than eating, enjoying a day at the pool, and shopping... lots of shopping.
Most people lose interest immediately, and that is probably why I have not had any visitors in the past 6 months. However, my 14yr old cousin thinks it's the best place in the world... eating, pool, and shopping??? Compared to the rest of her summer, spent mostly with my aunts and watching telenovelas with my grandma: paradise.
So I tell her to come, she convinces her dad to pay for the ticket, and she decides to spend the last two weeks of her summer here. Everyone back home is super nervous because she has not traveled a lot internationally. What if you need special permit to leave the country with a minor? What if she gets lost in the airport? What if her ears hurt in the plane (runs in the family)?!? I, knowing that she is neither stupid nor 5, tell all my aunts not to worry.
We are having the best time on our own. You don't need anything to leave the country with a minor (mmmhhh...), and she did not get lost in the airport. Her ears did hurt on the plane, but she took an aspirin, got over it and that was it. We went to my place and she liked it, I showed her around, we went to the supermarket and bought things we thought we would crave in the following days and that was our first night in Cinci... then the madness started.
First, I need to give you a brief background of my family. My mom has three sisters. Each one has only daughters (no sons) and even one of those daughters has a daughter of her own. My aunts and mom would kill me for revealing their age, but let's say they are between 45 and 65. Last year with me moving and all, they discovered instant messaging and Facebook, which they mainly use to spy on their daughters and nieces, and play Farmville like crazy.
Given that background, let me assure you the first thing I did as soon as we landed was call everyone: "Hey guys, we landed, we survived, we're going home now... and then to the supermarket, because we need food for the rest of the week. Call you later, love you, bye." And then it began... The first signs of madness appeared on FB. One of my aunts kept writing to me: "POST PICTURES OF EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING!!" We were basically walking in the supermarket, hardly worth a FB picture, but I did it anyways because I know they miss my cousin. So I do it, and three seconds later she writes: "MORE PICTURES". Damn it, man. We are doing exactly what we were doing three seconds ago when I posted it!!! I ignore it and got two inbox messages and one text message to my phone requesting more pictures.
So the next thing we did after the supermarket was have dinner. So I take a picture of our lasagna and post it. Immediately, a photo comment: "You are ALWAYS eating!!" Well... if always is the last five minutes, then yes. I ignored it this time and went to bed... I could hear the distinctive sound in my phone of FB comments, emails, text messages, etc. I ignored them.
I wake up the next day to find the following comments / messages / questions / recommendations in all sorts of communication tools (IM, Facebook wall, Facebook inbox, text message, email, etc):
- Speak to her only in English so she can practice.
- Don't you have more pictures??
- Make her practice a sport.
- Is she making her bed in the mornings?
- Is she sleeping too much?
- Don't have too much candy.
- Go to the bowling alley
- Call the airline and find out if she needs any papers to re-enter Mexico.
- Why haven't you called me?!?!?
All this in one night!!!! What is wrong with you people!?!?
First of all, I will not talk to her in English all the time. In fact, she is now exposed to more English than ever before in her life. Se watches TV in English, interacting with people who only speak English, reading all the signs around her in English... why should I become part of that too!?!? It would be super stupid, we both speak Spanish as our first language. We both speak French too, but we are not talking in French either, are we?? So no, mom, I'm sorry but I have to practice my Spanish.
Second, we are not doing anything "picture worthy." If they miss us too much, they can see the pictures they already have. Any other picture I take will look just like those pictures... perhaps even worse. Who would want to see a picture of us watching TV!?! TV in English, by the way.
Then there's the whole "educational vacation" thing. There is a reason why my beautiful teenage cousin prefers to spend her summer with me, in Cincinnati, and not with her aunts in the largest, busiest city in the World. SHE DOES NOT WANT TO BE EDUCATED DURING THE SUMMER. I never ever make my bed... how can I ask her to make hers!?!?! If she wants to sleep in a messy bed, that has not been made since 2003, that is solely her problem. Someone even said: "So that your house looks pretty." My house is always pretty, and almost nobody comes see it. If somebody comes, I am pretty sure they are not going to go upstairs and open the door to the guests bedroom and then complain about the bed not made.
Speaking of which, ask me which sports do any of my aunts play? Is slot machines a sport? No. These are the same people who educated me. All of them smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, never ever EVER having an outdoor activity. You can imagine how I turned out... and they know it. How do they expect me to suddenly change, become a PE teacher, and make my cousin practice sports for two weeks!?!?! HOW???? I cannot even answer the question about her "sleeping too much" or not. How much is too much?? When I am in Cincinnati by myself, like the poor thing is when I am working from 9 to 5, I sleep all the time. Every morning, when I wake up, I wish I slept more. Why would I take this pleasure away from her?? There is no such thing as "too much sleep", who are you kidding!?
I believe that if they did not ask for anything for a minor to leave the country, they could not care less about the minor coming back. The US definitely does not want little Mexicans staying on this side, so I am pretty sure they will have nothing to say either. I have seen many kids traveling. Kids with their brothers, sisters, moms, dads, grandparents, friends. Kids traveling alone. Kids traveling with other kids. I have never ever heard anything about a permit. I will call the airline anyways, or they will drive me crazy with questions for the next two weeks. Apparently if I say: "No, you don't need anything," that is not enough. If a high school dropout clerk from Continental Airlines that has only traveled to Arkansas once in her life says so, it is THE LAW.
Ahhh, I love them, but sometimes they are too opinionated about things they shouldn't. For example, the only bowling alley I know here is filled with
cholo teenagers with brass knuckles. Thank you, but no. Also, I am 30. I will have as much candy as I want, and that is it. If I want to skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, and just eat candy all day, I will. That's how I roll.